viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012



Independence is one of the largest celebrations of Quetzaltenango. Independence is celebrated in different ways, are almost two weeks used to celebrate. Schools do parades, fairs, band contest, concerts, Miss Quetzaltenango and many activities

I really enjoy go to tha fair :) 

The Creeps

  This application is my favorite. In this game I have to buy different weapons to kill zombies and not let it get to my bed :) sounds crazy but fun.

  video games are not my hobby, but with this app on my ipod I can spend all afternoon playing. It is an interesting and entertaining game, is one of the few games that I like. When I'm at school and the class is too boring this is my distraction  :D

Joaquín Sabina

Joaquín Sabina

The full name is Joaquín Sabina Joaquín Ramón Martínez Sabina. Born in Spain on February 12, 1949. Published 14 discs. His latest album "Vinegar and Roses" published in 2009
My grandmother taught me to hear this kind of music, since childhood I have heard Joaquín Sabina. Although once believed that this music was boring. And now is one of my favorites

My favorite songs are: 

·       Amores que matan
·       Así estoy yo sin ti
·       Nos sobran los motivos
·       Princesa
·       No puedo enamorarme de ti
·       Y sin embargo te quiero 

Where the Roads End

Where the roads end
This play was written by Mario Monteforte Toledo, Guatemala is a work that speaks about a capital city doctor who travels to a town where there was no doctor even to practice, when it reaches the town realizes that the people are infected by illness, being in town falls for a girl of 17 years. With whom he has a son, after a while he returns to his town because he said that the people he had no future. And leaves his wife and his son. After the return to take them but Mary refuses to leave his village along with his son.
The main theme of this work is the love between two people of different social classes, which occurs a lot in Guatemala. This is one of the few books I've finished reading. 


The hunger games   : D

This book was written by Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games are made once a year, where they choose a man and a woman between 12 and 18 years for each of the 12 districts to make them compete in a battle where only one can survive, how to choose tributes is that each person writes their name on a paper and put them in a cup per serving of food they receive their name written once. Prim Katniss's little sister, the protagonist of the book was selected as a tribute Katniss then offered as voluntary because they wanted his sister 12 years out into battle, the only surviving earn food for a year for her district, she was district 12, one of the poorest districts.

This is one of my favorite books, history is one of the most interesting I've read, I want to buy the movie and the book   :(

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012


This conference is for teachers of English, give talks to teachers to improve teaching and improve student learning
This was one of the best experiences
  I do not plan to be an English teacher, I think this is important, because sometimes I can serve this diploma. As they say, you never stop learning.
Caught my attention the talks I attended, my favorites were - smile in english and Creative Activities for childrens. I really enjoyed attending this conference because I learned many things, hope to attend the following conferences

Talent show

My favorite hobby is dancing, is the only way that I can relax, even when cooked.
I feel good when I dance, I dance when I'm stressed out normally, it makes me relax. I think it's the best way to distract myself, I love to dance salsa, bachata and merengue
For the talent show at school, I'll dance salsa  with 3 more people, to form 2 pairs. It's a little difficult to coordinate the steps because the salsa is danced in quick time, also because there are many turns and steps.
I just hope that tomorrow we go smoothly. And every time we tried not going to be for naught


Without a doubt my favorite author is Paulo Coelho, the first book I read was "eleven minutes" after reading this book I became interested in his books, the next book I will read  is "A orillas del río Piedra, me senté y lloré "
I like a lot of his reading, his books often relate to my life, and this is what makes it interesting for me. Most importantly, I enjoy reading

"The Alchemist" is my favorite book, I identify with it


This has also been one of my best experiences, to share with special people, I do not mean a disability, if not his nature.
The grannies are people who have abandoned their families, or for some reason can not care for them, even in the nursing home will provide food, clothing, sleep in, spiritual care, personal care. etc. They need to interact with others, need affection of others, who hear, speak with them, give them affection, play with them, to dance with them. . .
They are content with a simple visit and every visit I make is different, is special. They tell their stories, as was his life, working, sometimes they give you advice. , Is a bit sad for them and for me to talk about their children, but they have not lost hope that someday their children come to visit, but the visit is not that, it is the grandmothers get distracted, and feel good during that time. I sincerely endears me and grandmothers, and hopefully I can continue visiting them for a long time


This book is one of my favorites, this was a gift from my mom at Christmas last.
This book has helped me a lot. It was almost impossible for me to say no when others asked me a favor, but sometimes I make me hard I always said yes, and I committed. Perhaps fearing that when he was a friend,who asked me for a favor, bother me to say no. I like that my friends trust me, and tell me when they need me.  After reading this book, I realized that this is not so, if is your friend he or she will understand the reasons why you can not do the favor and not bother to you.
  For me it is now much easier to say no. . trying to do all the examples and the advice that  gives this book. At first I struggled a bit, but with practice I think everything is possible 


I like a lot this course, because from the beginning we did in class activities that catch my attention, my favorite was to write on paper all the bad things people have done to us, then put the paper on fire and this is a symbol  forgiveness (if that easy out, everything would be better but I'm trying to change).
  Honestly I have learned to work as a team from work to report the activities we have done for fundraising. Actually I feel very comfortable working with the group in which I am, though a couple of times there have been discussions, sometimes we do not share the same ideas, or can not agree. But the important thing is that all these have overcome, and this is what makes the group more cohesive.


Cooking is one of my favorite pastimes. I forget everything, I relax, I get distracted, I love spending time in the kitchen, and Is no matter if it's for a simple recipe, try a new, or just invent something with ingredients I have on hand. I enjoy cooking for others and enjoy the food that I do

Even I can not cook much, but what little I cook, I like to do special.

I would like to learn to cook Italian food, I think it's my favorite

Senior year :):

Knowing that is the last year at school is so excited, but at the same time is sad

is excited know I will go to college to study what I like, I will make different activities, I will know other people, and all these new things. . .

The reasons why I feel sad, it's because I do not want to leave my friends. . I don't want :( 

My group of friends is called " la celula ".  I can not remember the reason we put that name, but it is not the point , LA CELULA have been my best friends,  with them i spend funniest moments,  may seem stupid everything I do with my friends, but it is the way we entertain ourselves. Everything we do, next year will become memories. . . . I will never forget everything I do with my friends, NEVER
I know the next year everyone moves on, everyone chooses the career that they want to continue in college. But I hope this is not reason that we can muster as we do this year. . .
And I also hope we can go to college. . . . . 

good luck friends    :D!


Teleton, Fundabiem, is a Vocational Rehabilitation center open to any physically disabled person who needs it regardless of their social, economic or cultural.
Be volunteer has been one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. it feels good knowing I'm helping children with disabilities, these children motivate me to continue in college Occupational therapy, although I’m not sure to what I follow in college, but this is not the point.

The smiles from these children is the best that I can receive, for my help.  

And there is nothing better than helping with your friends, what we do is collect money in “money boxes”, we do this since last year.
Last year I collected 752 quetzals, this year my goal is to collect 1000 Quetzals.
. . .
to do this you need to have the value of the charity, not everyone has that value, I am proud to have charity, and I hope that I can continue helping people in need for a long time.

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012


Xelaju MC is our team that has given us great emotions for decades since we can remember our heart is bloody goat
  We earnestly hope that OUR TEAM ACHIEVE THE fifth moon
  xela is to do great things .. hopefully return to being the best team in Guatemala



Everybody has a unique concept of friendship

For me a FRIEND is one in which you can trust
Because you know that is not going to disappoint.

FRIEND is one with which you can cry
Because that will help you feel good

FRIEND is the person who takes the time to listen
and makes you feel better

FRIENDS are the persons who supported
when you think you can not more.

The friend is not the person you see. Is the person you feel

To me a friend is like a second BROTHER or SISTER

I will never forget all the times I spent with my friends
because the happiest moments were spent with them

Arjona's concert

Arjona´s concert
this was a very good experience for me, my favorite music is by Ricardo Arjona, and I was able to go to the concert.
have your favorite singer a few feet of you, singing your favorite songs, it really is a great experience
so many days waiting for the concert. the day finally came, it was worth waiting a few hours before the concert, get rained on, and all for listening to your favorite singer.

I will never forget that concert . was the best of my life, I can swear.

 The most important people in my life is my mom and my grandmother who is my second mom.
 the love of a mother to a child never changes, always try to see that their children are doing well. I can say that my mom is a super hero because she has played the role of father
has known how to take care of my brother and me, and that's something I'll always thank
and although many times we fight, argue, or simply not have the same ideas, I know my mom loves me. and I love her too
it will always be with me to support me, and I'll do the same.

my life without my mom and my grandmother would be nothing. . .

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

my favorite music

i listen to various types of music like reggae, rock , salsa pop and a lote of types , but my favorite music is by Ricardo Arjona , since i was little i listened this music because my mother likes too
many pepople tell me that this music is boring or depressing but i really like :D
for christmas my mome gave me a disc by ricardo arjona "independent" , was one of my best gifts

i listen this music every day :D

next week there will be a concert in Guatemala city
i can not wait to go . .

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

my last vacations

for my last vacations i went to Guatemala city for 2 months
was amazing to be with my little cousins and my uncles
i only watcht them for vacations

there i learned to take care of a baby ,  i had to change diapers, give food to her, play with her and a lot of things

i loved my vacations :D